Cinema Gators

Major reveals after 10 minute screening of Avengers Endgame

cinema gators


The main storyline of Avengers Endgame is still obscure after the 10-minute screening of the movie too few lucky members of the press though Marvel Studios have revealed few tidbits to chew until the actual release of the movie. The movie will be released on 26th April 2019.
As the main plot is still obscure after a 10-minute screening of the Avengers Endgame, we only know the unexpected end of the Avengers Infinity war and the remaining Superheros after that are going to team up and finish Thanos to save their friends.

No one, nor two but whole Avengers team will rescue Tony Stark. (CLICK HERE)

10- Minutes Special Screening

The 10 minute part of the movie that is being shown to the lucky press members generally contains two scenes. The first scene has Tony Stark and Nebula on the Benatar in the Guardians of the Galaxy. It is also shown in the trailer that Tony Stark and Nebula are stranding in space but later they eventually get back to the Earth. The footage shows that Tony Stark is trying to send a message to Pepper Potts that there is a possibility of running out of oxygen very soon. Tony also tries to tell Pepper Potts through his message that Nebula was there to help him out after he got injured from the fight with Thanos. Tony tells about his slow recovery from the infection he got after the injury.

Tony also adds the recovery of the ship that he has done along with Nebula so that the ship could serve them a little longer. We can also see Tony and Nebula working hard on something in some TV spots of the movie.
The other scene that is shown in that they are playing paper football as it could be the opening scene of the movie. The clip shows that Tony expects his death with nebula after all that they have done. Tony thinks that they would die as there are literally very fewer chances of help to them as they are very far. Tony also conveys in his message to Pepper Potts about the dire prediction of his death.

The next scene that is shown is of Nebula on Earth. The scene shows no Tony Stark. However, there is Steve Rogers and Thor along with Rocket, Black Widow, Rhodey and Bruce Banner. Carol Denver is ready to fight with Thanos after getting the last message from Nick Fury. When Bruce thinks why it will not be the same conclusion when they fought Thanos last time, Denver’s make sure that they have her now.

Meanwhile, Nebula tells everyone that she knows the current location of Thanos. She tells that Thanos is seen on one of the neighbouring planets fulfilling his deeds of Farming. Mad Titan is mostly found on The Garden about which Nebula talks about.
Avengers make planning to use Infinity Stones so that they can undo the snap to stop Thanos. Those stones are still appearing functional as they look not spent as many thoughts after the snap. Avengers pinpoint the exact location of Thanos as they can detect an energy spike which is similar to the one during the snap. According to Avengers, Thanos must be trying to escape Wakanda or something else.
The Avengers seem busy to find Thanos quickly from the starting of the movie. This is all that can be concluded from the small clip that is
Shown to the press. The peeps would have to wait for the release of this movie.

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